Scenes from the week: January 2–5
Grade 6 students marveled as they work as geometers to try and discover universal truths. Along with using a compass and straightedge to create precise constructions, they are also exploring some of the meanings behind numbers and geometric forms. As they discussed oneness and the universe (Latin for one turn), students remembered their lessons from first grade. For students who were not with the class then, their peers volunteered, "Oh yeah, we learned what the world was made of in first grade—curved and straight lines! We also learned that one is the biggest number because it contains one whole." Going a bit deeper mathematically, the class explored how one can also produce all other digits, as well as how multiplying by one gives us our identity property.

The WSP Middle School basketball team scrimmaged St. Benedict last night in their first game of the season.

Grade 5 woodworking!

A big jump for a Buttercup!

Grade 1 music with Ms. Andrews.

To honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we held an assembly today where, inspired by the work of Dr. King, 6th Grade students shared the upper grades intention to improve our community by dedicating themselves to caring for litter on the ground. Grade 4 students shared their intention to work together as a group.
Grades 3–5 created collages.

Grade 3 students knit hats in handwork. Some finished this week!