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Bagel Tuesdays

The 7th Grade class is once again offering Bagel Tuesdays to raise funds for their 8th grade class trip.


  • Bagel Choices: Plain, Everything, and Cinnamon Raisin

  • Spread Choices: Cream Cheese, Butter, Earth Balance Spread

  • Bagel Delivery: 7th grade students will deliver bagel orders to Grades classrooms each Tuesday before snack from Tuesday March 12–Tuesday, May 28th. (If your child is absent on a Tuesday, we will save their bagel for when they return!)

  • Cost: $44 for 11 weeks of bagels. Note, you may sign up at any time during the fundraiser. Prorated pricing is reflected below.


On all Fridays, new orders will need to be in by 12:00 PM. Thank you for your support! We appreciate you.


Note: this opportunity is for Grades 1–8, as our Early Childhood program makes their own snack!


Please direct all questions to Jen Widich at


Note about using Apple Pay: When ordering bagels with Apple Pay be sure to complete the checkout process. Once you complete the Apple Pay page you will be taken to an additional page where you have to click another button to confirm your order. Not sure if your order went through? Check your email for a confirmation message.

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