Finding Moments of Breath, Beauty, and Levity
A Letter from Our Head of School

Dear WSP Families,
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Virtual Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, October 21. We had 74 people on the call. There was a lot of information shared with moments of breath, beauty, and levity. In the days and weeks to come, teachers and administration remain available for your questions.
As we navigate this time together, our inner and outer work will be witnessed by our children and by one another. Our community is at our strongest when we take a genuine interest in one another and work to bring out the best in each other. This is critical in helping our school thrive during a time of tremendous challenge.
Living through a pandemic means we are experiencing additional stress and anxiety daily. As a follow-up to last week's email sharing our first positive COVID-19 case on campus, we have not received any additional reports of positive cases on our campus at this time. Again, I cannot emphasize enough the role each of us plays in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Any employee or student who is ill must stay home regardless of whether or not the illness is COVID-19 related. Employees and students must remain home until they have been fever-free for 72 hours without fever reducing medication.
Below you will find a list of resources for both non-infected and infected individuals. With Halloween approaching, we have also included tips for trick-or-treating.
With wishes of strength and health for each of you,
Kirsten Christopherson-Clark
Head of School
Helpful Pandemic-Related Resources
Testing Information and County Updates
Testing Locations without a PCP Referral (offering less invasive oral swab tests)
Allegheny County Health Department (county COVID-19 stats daily update)
For Non-infected Individuals
Managing Anxiety/Fear
How to Handle Coronavirus Isolation and Anxiety
Coping With Fear Of Exposure To COVID-19
COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine
Preventing Infection
Fighting “Covid-fatigue”
“Pandemic Guilt”
Helping teens cope with staying home:
For Infected Individuals
Treating Mild/Moderate Covid at Home
Treating COVID-19 at home: Care tips for you and others
9 Things That Helped Me Get Through My Mild COVID-19 Infection
Debilitating Fever, Isolation, Fear, Guilt: My "Mild" COVID-19 Case Felt Anything but Mild
When Parents/Caregivers are Sick
Sick Parents and Caregivers
Getting Real: When COVID-19 Enters a Busy Household
Stigma/Guilt for Getting Sick/Spreading Covid
‘I did everything right and I still got it’: Minnesota nurse warns that even young, healthy people can become very ill
Coronavirus Stigma and Guilt — About Getting Sick or Getting Others Sick — Hurts Everyone
Guilt and Shame of Testing Positive Helps Spread Coronavirus
Breathing Exercises
Managing Recovery
Bouncing Back From COVID-19: Your Guide to Restoring Movement
Support for Rehabilitation: Self-Management after COVID-19-Related Illness