Scenes from the Week: 02/07—02/11
In Grade 4 Movement, Miss Dawn and the class explored the Chinese Dragon Dance—synchronicity, symbolism, strength, and grace—in acknowledgement of the Lunar New Year.

Grade 6 completes a Geography block focused on Africa. Studies led the class through the regions of northern Africa and west Africa—offering broad sweeps of various biomes, physical features and landforms, and cultural—to central, east, and southern Africa.
A wall of Influential Black Americans celebrated during Black History Month in the Seventh Grade classroom.

Grade 1 knitting!
A Buttercup Kindergartener prepares to share a puppet show with her class from the story A Snowy Day, while a Poppy Kindergartener finds a frozen treasure!
Miss Penny watches while elaborate marble runs are built by Poppy Kindergarteners.