Grades 4–6 Reading Club Sign Up!

WSP will host a Reading Club for interested students in grades 4–6. The club is open to all regardless of reading ability. The purpose of the club is to allow students to have fun reading books together. To see the list of books students will read from click here. Books will be available from the WSP library.
The club will be led by WSP Alumni student Maya Winter. Maya is currently a senior at Ellis High School. She leads in her community by teaching strings, serves in the Student Diversity League, and is President of the Ellis’ Junior Classical League. This fall, Maya will attend Vassar College where she plans to study Political Science, Russian and Music. She will also be part of a Rugby team.
Maya felt inspired to start the WSP Reading Club again this spring to give students an opportunity to engage in a positive social activity. “The club taught me how to be a better reader, and lifelong team-working skills. The club teaches that we need to rely on our teammates to lift each other up regardless of grade. As a younger student, I felt inspired by the older kids in the club. When I was older, I wanted to help the younger students,” Maya says of her time in the Reading Club while attending WSP.
The club will meet after school on the WSP campus from 3:00–4:15. Meetings will occur in the library or if weather permits, outside in the court near the chapel classroom on the following dates:
Wednesdays, March 9, 16, 23 and 30
Friday, March 11
Friday, April 1
Monday, April 4th- Practice for Interscholastic reading meet
Tuesday, April 5th Interscholastic Reading Meet in Forest Hills; (Optional)*
Depart: 12:30pm Tuesday, April 5th. Event is held 4–7pm.
Teams work together to answer the questions about the books from judges!
*Any student who would like to commit to being on the reading team can join for the team event, however this is not required to be in the club. Transportation to the event will not be provided.
Please send any questions to Ms. Illar: or Maya Winter at: