WSP 2020–21 Annual Fund Begins
This year’s Annual Fund launch is phased and will open on Wednesday, November 11th, and culminate in our traditional, socially distanced, lantern walk on Friday, November 13th.

Our ‘Rise & Shine’ theme is a symbol of our community’s steadfast light that has shone upon each other in the face of a year which presented many with a multitude of challenges.
We rise and we shine every day at Waldorf School of Pittsburgh, and each of us brings a unique and inspiring light to the world. Whether we are in-person or together virtually, we are always a community.
Today, in-person students received take-home information about giving to this year’s Rise & Shine annual fund drive! Parallel learners will be mailed the information. Please kindly put any donations in the reusable envelope with your child's name on it. Donors will receive a flashlight to shine bright for the Lantern Walk on Friday, November 13th.
Every dollar counts and provides us with the resources we need to continue shining. If you have any questions about this year's Annual Fund, please contact Anne Fowler at