Scenes from the Week: 03/06–03/10
Russ Leap from Leap's Farm delivered a brooder to Grade 4 on Thursday just in time to welcome a Royal Palm turkey this morning! This heritage breed turkey is considered an endangered breed and is classified as "watch" by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. The egg came to Russ via a conservation program he is involved with at Penn State University.
The class began with six eggs, five of which were Royal Palms and one a Midget White, placed in an incubator on February 10th. The eggs were candled, or checked, at seven and fourteen days. It was decided then that three of the eggs were not viable. Those eggs were removed while the other three remained in the incubator.
This project is part of the Grade 4 Human and Animal Block.

Little Friends spend time visiting Buttercup Kindergarten and participating in circle with Miss Jill.

Grade 5 displays work from their Ancient Egypt block. The class dabbled a bit in hieroglyphics and painted pictures of the Nile River and pyramids. This block continues as the class prepares to perform a play based on the Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris.

The Rosebuds love helping to wake up the sleepy ones at the end of rest.

Morning Garden Transition puppet story with Mr. Toby.

Grade 6 main lesson work!

Campus blooms!