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Writer's pictureWaldorf School of PGH

Our Community Continues to Shine

A Letter from Our Head of School

Dear WSP Families and Friends,

This is the time of year when Waldorf schools around the world hold Winter Spirals for the children and teachers at the school. Often families are invited to walk the spiral in the evenings as well. This tradition came about in 1926, when Dr. Karl Schubert, a remedial teacher from the Stuttgart Waldorf School, learned of the spiral movement as a curative form for the rhythmic and sensory system. He was later inspired by a Bavarian custom of creating a moss garden with fir twigs which was then lit up by candles set inside of cored apples.

Dr. Schubert combined these two elements by creating a large spiral out of moss and fir branches. Carrying an unlit apple candle, individuals followed the spiral into the center where a lit candle was waiting. The person then lit the apple candle, paused, and began their journey back out of the spiral placing one’s apple candle along the path. As more people walked the spiral, the whole spiral garden was illuminated.

This created an experience of walking into the darkness and discovering that the eternal light was always there to enkindle every human being. Like the lantern walk, this festival reminds us that we each carry a light within.

Due to Governor Wolf’s orders last week, we were not able to hold our traditional Winter Spiral. Instead, we offered numerous activities which families could participate in virtually or do on their own at home. Take a look at the beautiful spirals families created!

As I reflect on this year, I experience so much gratitude for the Waldorf School of Pittsburgh’s Community which holds each of us. These past nine months have been incredibly challenging, but I am deeply grateful that our community has continued to shine…especially in the darkest of times. May you each experience the spiral inwardly over this winter break, taking time for reflection, nourishment, and deep and restorative rest.

Wishing you peace,

Kirsten Christopherson-Clark

Head of School

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