Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets!

Drawing will happen virtually during Facebook Night Market evening of Dec. 4th! You need not be present to win, but don’t miss out on the fun!
Ticket Donation:
$5 for one tickets / names entered
$20 for five tickets / names entered
The first name drawn will have their choice of one of the two baskets: Our traditional ‘Wine & Brews’ for adults or our Waldorf-inspired ‘Reading Rascals’ for all ages.
‘Wine & Brews’ includes a variety of tempting wines and micro-brews kindly donated by our generous Board of Trustees. This option is for adults only, please!
Waldorf-inspired ‘Reading Rascals’ is a whimsical mix of hand-made items, heirloom books, Waldorf art, flip book fun, chocolates, and more!
Ready to buy your tickets? Click here to fill out the form. If you pay by PayPal, please kindly select ‘Night Market Raffle’ from the drop down menu.
See you on December 4th!
Attendance at the WSP Night Market Facebook event is not required for participation in the raffle. Winners not at the Market will receive a phone call that evening. Please be available by phone November 4th from 8–9pm. The first name drawn will get to select the basket they want.